torek, 23. marec 2010

PPT Prezentacija

Stavčni členi:

V prejšnjih mesecih sem se ukvarjal s slovnično temo Stavčni členi

sreda, 24. februar 2010

France Prešeren


Zadnja dva tedna smo v šoli govorili predvsem o eni stvari. Francetu Prešernu. To pa zato ker je najboljši in najslavnejši slovenski pesnik in še posebej zato ker je letos posebno leto. Leto Franceta Prešerna, saj bo letos minilo 210 let od njegovega rojstva.

Kratek življepis:

France Prešeren,

slovenski pesnik in pravnik, rojen 3. decembra 1800, v Vrbi na Gorenjskem, in umrl 8. februarja 1849 v Kranju.

France Prešeren danes velja za največjega slovenskega pesnika. Del njegove pesmi Zdravljica, napisane leta 1844, je besedilo državne himne Republike Slovenije.

Prešeren se je rodil v kmečki družini. Po diplomi na dunajski pravni fakulteti se je vrnil v Ljubljano, kjer je deloval kot odvetnik. Tu je nastala večina njegovih pesmi, pri pisanju katerih ga je za časa svojega kratkega življenja pomembno usmerjal prijatelj Matija Čop.

Prešeren je tako postal prvi Slovenec, ki se je po kakovosti svojega pisanja lahko kosal s sodobniki po Evropi, kjer je tedaj vladala romantična usmeritev.

Življenjska pot pesnika, nesrečno zaljubljenega v bogato Primičevo Julijo,

kateri je posvetil Sonetni venec (1834) in druge ljubezenske pesmi, je bila poleg te polna raznovrstnih preizkušenj. Drug za drugim so mu umirali prijatelji, kot pesnik pa za čas življenja ni užival priznanja, ki bi si ga zaslužil. V zadnjih letih je vedno bolj zapadal malodušju, pijači in bolezni, ki je slednjič povzročila njegovo prezgodnjo smrt.

Sedaj pa bi vam rad pokazal kaj sem naredil v šoli o Francetu Prešernu v angleščini.

France Prešeren
( 3.12.1800 - 8.2.1849)

1800-21 Childhood years spent in Vrba and with his uncles, school years in Ljubljana

France was born into a farmer's family, as the first son and third child of Šimen and Mina Prešeren. Research into Prešeren had established his date of birth as 3rd December 1800.
France had to leave his native village of Vrba when he was just eight years old and he returned home only during holidays and even then infrequently.
Prešeren attended the third year of elementary school in Ljubljana. Here, too, he had no problems with his studies and he excelled particularly in learning classical languages and the translation of the Greek and Latin poets. He suffered no particular hardship, and he earned a little bit extra by giving private tuition to his less gifted school friends.
He was more and more tempted by law and he decided to go to Vienna, where he enrolled in the third year of a course in philosophy. In those days, this was a precondition for the subsequent study of law.

1821-28 Student years in Viena

In Vienna, Prešeren began to take a deep interest in poetry; he studied all the major poetic works, from the Antique to the Romantic period, from Homer to Boccaccio.

1824-27 First attempts at writing poetry

Prešeren's first poetic attempts were made in 1824. He wrote a rhyming student joke to comfort one of his school friends who was unhappily in love.
Whatever, Prešeren the poet appeared publicly for the first time relatively late, in 1827, when he published the poem Dekletom (To Girls) in Ilirski list.
He finished his studies more quickly and graduated in the spring of 1828. He became a 'doctor of law'.

1833 Prešeren meets Julija Primic

Around the time when Prešeren became more independent in his poetry, he happened to meet Julija Primic, a delicate young lady from a rich merchant family, who became, for many years, the poet's muse and object of unrequited love. This emotion bore fruit in Sonetni venec (A Wreath of Sonnets), which was published in 1834 as a special supplement to the Ilirski list.

1843 The Bleiweis era, the authorities allow the publication of the Poems

As far as Bleiweis the editor was concerned, the most important poet was Jovan Vesel Koseski, whose work he gladly published and whose praises he kept singing. Some time later Bleiweis did, however, publish Krst pri Savici and a few other of Prešeren's poems, but the two men were never able to establish a genuine and useful relationship.
But his poetic talent was not extinguished, quite the opposite. Zdravljica (A Toast) and the wonderful elegy V spomin Andreja Smoleta (In Memory of Andrej Smole), which he wrote four years after his friend's death, were created around this time (1844).

The last few years of Prešeren's life were again poetically more fruitful. He wrote Judovsko dekle (The Jewish Maiden), Orglar (The Minstrel), Od železne ceste (About the Railway), V spomin Matiji Čopu (In Memory of Matija Čop) and, above all, Neiztrohnjeno srce (The Preserved Heart), the poet's swan song. Prešeren put a lot of energy into publishing the Poems.

1848-49 Languishing and death in Kranj

His misfortunate life and in particular his drinking had weakened his health so much that he was unable to make a fresh start. He stopped writing poetry.
He died on Thursday, 8th February 1849, and was buried in Kranj.

četrtek, 7. januar 2010

Ljudsko slovstvo

Zapisovati se je začelo 18. stoletju, zlasti v Pisanicah, nato so začeli zapisovati še ostali razsvetljenci. V času romantike je opazen porast zapisovanja. Pri nas so znani zapisovalci predvsem in Karel Štrekelj.

Valentin Vodnik

Žiga Zois

Stanko Vraz